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29 November 2016


Art by Ellie

A poetry series on how relationships  on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships and being in a relationship is not all candy hearts and teddy bears. Sometimes it's bruises and broken windows. 

x x x

The Canvas


His blood is boiling.
The red hue from the sun's
departure sits upon the scene.

A phone call hinders the scene.
The temperature is neutral
The room is still.

The night is gone.
The after effect eerily emerges.
A sea of tears flood the room.
The fire is extinguished.

The pale blue tint of the morning,
Sits upon the scene.

Harmonious tunes of the birds,
Soothes the blues.
A settlement on display.
The room is uneasy.

Scriptures are torn and read.
Prayers are warily whispered.
The daunting dawn of the day,
Sits upon the scene.

The aroma of sweet pastry
Awakens the soul.
Vitality and Vigour,
The room is gleaming.

The warm breeze from the home’s heart
embraces and comforts the souls.
Its powerful shadow sits upon the scene.

A handkerchief filled with
arduous memories creep into
the center of the abstract.
Blessings and the purification's
of a genesis surface.
The room is at peace.

A mature raven lands on the porch.
A mystery yet to be unfold.
Faintly dim, yet clear and sharp.
A gray shadow sits upon the scene.

Both stare at this quaint canvas,
at their multi-coloured hands and faces.
Astonished and feverish.
Hands clasped, foreheads perspire.
A breath of relief.

It is done.

Relationships, Relationpits Vol. 3


Art by Ellie

A poetry series on how relationships  on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships and being in a relationship is not all candy hearts and teddy bears. Sometimes it's bruises and broken windows. 

x x x

The Canvas


His blood is boiling.
The red hue from the sun's
departure sits upon the scene.

A phone call hinders the scene.
The temperature is neutral
The room is still.

The night is gone.
The after effect eerily emerges.
A sea of tears flood the room.
The fire is extinguished.

The pale blue tint of the morning,
Sits upon the scene.

Harmonious tunes of the birds,
Soothes the blues.
A settlement on display.
The room is uneasy.

Scriptures are torn and read.
Prayers are warily whispered.
The daunting dawn of the day,
Sits upon the scene.

The aroma of sweet pastry
Awakens the soul.
Vitality and Vigour,
The room is gleaming.

The warm breeze from the home’s heart
embraces and comforts the souls.
Its powerful shadow sits upon the scene.

A handkerchief filled with
arduous memories creep into
the center of the abstract.
Blessings and the purification's
of a genesis surface.
The room is at peace.

A mature raven lands on the porch.
A mystery yet to be unfold.
Faintly dim, yet clear and sharp.
A gray shadow sits upon the scene.

Both stare at this quaint canvas,
at their multi-coloured hands and faces.
Astonished and feverish.
Hands clasped, foreheads perspire.
A breath of relief.

It is done.
Art by: Eden Taff 

 A poetry series on how relationships  on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships and being in a relationship is not all candy hearts and teddy bears. Sometimes it's bruises and broken windows. 


I see your dark brown eyes,

Cryptic and beautiful,

Stimulating the iris of my eye.

Your long and thick raven hair,

As majestic as a black lion's mane.

It embraces me, encloses on me.

Those crimson lips,

Intoxicating and pernicious.

Leaves a tint of your soul.

Still my eyes swim in this darkness,
  My macula is inoperative. 
find more here

Relationships, Relationpits Vol. 2

04 October 2016

Art by: Eden Taff 

 A poetry series on how relationships  on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships and being in a relationship is not all candy hearts and teddy bears. Sometimes it's bruises and broken windows. 


I see your dark brown eyes,

Cryptic and beautiful,

Stimulating the iris of my eye.

Your long and thick raven hair,

As majestic as a black lion's mane.

It embraces me, encloses on me.

Those crimson lips,

Intoxicating and pernicious.

Leaves a tint of your soul.

Still my eyes swim in this darkness,
  My macula is inoperative. 
find more here
Art by Jarline
A poetry series on how relationships are on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships or being in a relationship is not what we see in romantic films. Sometimes, it's a turbulence. A complex equation no human being can solve.

Take care of yourselves, love yourself love others and stay safe.
 On here
Honey and I

My honey I. 
We keep each other together.
We tear each other apart.

Abiding in art.

My honey and I.
We laugh and we cry.
A never-ending cycle of
Deceit and lies.

Yet still abiding in art.
find more here 

Relationships, Relationpits Vol. 1

Art by Jarline
A poetry series on how relationships are on social media outlets are romanticized. People are blinded and oblivious to the fact that relationships or being in a relationship is not what we see in romantic films. Sometimes, it's a turbulence. A complex equation no human being can solve.

Take care of yourselves, love yourself love others and stay safe.
 On here
Honey and I

My honey I. 
We keep each other together.
We tear each other apart.

Abiding in art.

My honey and I.
We laugh and we cry.
A never-ending cycle of
Deceit and lies.

Yet still abiding in art.
find more here 

Heritage day is a South African public holiday celebrated on the 24th of September. On this day, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.

. . .

I am black, bold & beautiful.
I wear my red skirt like a trophy.
with its colourful beads glinting against the African sun.
My orange head band. Iqhiya, gracefully wrapped around my head. To show my respect as a Xhosa woman.
I wear my mothers white beaded bracelet. Intsimbi. White is to evoke purity, strength and power (Amandla).
My tribe plays my song.
The beating of the drums echoes across the valleys, the clapping of the women's hands and their strong vocals overwhelming the night.
This is my culture.
This is my extraordinary heritage

I am a black, bold & beautiful Ndebele woman.

I am a black, bold & beautiful Xhosa woman. 

. . . 

here are the images I took this past weekend.


Zulu Girl

 Ndebele Wear


 How stunningly breathtaking

 The Zulu Men



don't forget to subscribe, comment and share

Heritage Day

27 September 2016

Heritage day is a South African public holiday celebrated on the 24th of September. On this day, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.

. . .

I am black, bold & beautiful.
I wear my red skirt like a trophy.
with its colourful beads glinting against the African sun.
My orange head band. Iqhiya, gracefully wrapped around my head. To show my respect as a Xhosa woman.
I wear my mothers white beaded bracelet. Intsimbi. White is to evoke purity, strength and power (Amandla).
My tribe plays my song.
The beating of the drums echoes across the valleys, the clapping of the women's hands and their strong vocals overwhelming the night.
This is my culture.
This is my extraordinary heritage

I am a black, bold & beautiful Ndebele woman.

I am a black, bold & beautiful Xhosa woman. 

. . . 

here are the images I took this past weekend.


Zulu Girl

 Ndebele Wear


 How stunningly breathtaking

 The Zulu Men



don't forget to subscribe, comment and share


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